I'm sure by now that you are wondering what is going on... I normally tell you about every thing and anything that pops RANDOMLY into my head, no matter how stupid it sounds. I have had quite a few REALLY stupid ideas in my time. I'm just saying...
Any way.. before I get off track.. I just wanted to let you know that you are the most inventive person that I have had the pleasure of meeting. Your ideas just blow my mind and I love how you ask questions when you need help or don't understand something. I love the way we communicate when it comes to working on something together. We have proven many times that we work really well together. I am really glad and really happy that you came into my life. You have done so much for me and have helped me in so many ways that you will never understand. and for that I have say THANK YOU MISSA!! You have become one of my BEST friends. I love how we can talk about anything and we are always there for each other no matter what. We help each other with patterns, thoughts, concerns and family life. I couldn't ask for a better friend. You are like a sister to me and I will help you out the best that I can when I can. I know you would do the same for me. Oh how did you like the surprise I sent you? I bet that made your day! I do believe in KARMA so I try to do my best when I can. I really hope that you don't mind that I put this on my blog, but I wanted everyone to know that I have the best, most awesome, kick ass friend in the world and I'm NOT SHARING!! :)
So, just remember that if you ever need to talk just send me a message. You know that I will respond when I get it. Even if its before my first cup of coffee.....Not many people are that lucky... I know that if it wasn't for you, I would have probably lost my mind a LONG time ago. It is nice to be able to talk to some one and be able to get feedback with out them being involved in the situation on hand. Once again.. I THANK YOU.

So yeah. I just wanted to write something up to let you know how much I appreciate you and how much your friendship means to me. I know I tell you all the time thank you and things like that but I wanted something you could read when you are having a bad day to cheer you up. Something you can read when your feeling unappreciated and down to lift you back up. I hope this makes your day and any day that you need a friendly little pick me up. Just remember I love you and your family as you are my own.
Thanks again Missa for being such a great and wonderful friend. Love ya girl!!
Thanks Tries Running down my face Nice Job on getting me to Jump to the Page to check ur tabs LOL. "Billie can u check the pages tabs for me make sure they are working right" U Got me good. U mean a lot to me i don't have many friends And only way i can talk with ppl freely is on line when ppl meet me i am the Quite person u will ever meet but once u get me talking i don't stop ( i am very shy) But Girl thank you - You are like a sister to me I always talk about you even on mine and hubby get away we need to find post cards for B so she know i was thinking about her, after 5 stores in a town we knew where nothing was we found them, We will need to get together soon. Maybe this summer hubby will take us all for a boat ride u me and Kido's. And go camping with us. Or do fishing trips We do alot of them in the summer. So we think about u as family We just wish u were closer. Ron said our living room would be one yarn fest! I could see 10000 of yarn balls rolling around living room LOL ( just thank god i got ride of my Cats) lol...... Again I hold u close in my heat U mean alot to me - I thank you for all you have done. I think my crocheting as grown sent i meet u i think i learn so many thing new stiches I wouldnt have tryed bc i didnt understand them But u have helped me so much.. Love ya keep On HOOKEN my lil hooker!!! LOL ** No not corner girl* to the men out there LOL !! Dont read in to it too Much ! *MEN* XOXOXO Love ya :) <3
ReplyDelete~ You even Love me for My Type-o's LOL had to say it LOL.... Ture friends Look over the type-o's XOXO